Coventry, UK
Completion Date:
September, 2015
Coleshill Leisure Centre
Project Value:
£4.2 million
Working alongside North Warwickshire Borough Council and Coleshill Academy IDP Group have designed a 4-court sports hall, 40-person gym suite, dance studios, squash courts, changing rooms, physiotherapy facilities and a formal entrance for both the academy and the public.

The site sits on the edge of the local greenbelt area and as such the palette of external materials and massing of the scheme needed careful consideration.
The building is set as two massed blocks with the larger sports hall being set back from the greenbelt boundary, with the smaller block facing outwardly towards the boundary. This allows the gym, dance studios, foyer and community facilities to look out into the landscape beyond. It also meets the academy’s ethos of being open and transparent by allowing visitors and passers-by into the spaces.
Local participation rates have dramatically increased with the centre seeing an astounding 300% increase in membership since opening.
The number of classes has more than doubled to 45 and increased in the type of classes offered, while also attracting in additional income through leasing spaces to local clubs, i.e. dance groups, martial arts groups.
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